amal at June 16th, 2015 02:44 — #1
I have tried to check deal for existing customer it return fine when we match exact customer id but we go with wrong customer id ( ex: 556956a89b79b22d7300000d100 ) it returns every time 22 deals..
checked through user: mattdiff@gmail.com
https://app.onepagecrm.com/api/v3/deals.json?contact_id=556956a89b79b22d7300000d it return "total_count": 1
when i searched through wrong contact id it return ok but when exceed or decrease the string length it return wrong count instead of "No contact id" available..
can you clarify me its functionality is ok?
pete_onepagecrm at June 22nd, 2015 03:57 — #2
Hi Amal, sorry for the delay getting back to you.
I think the default is to return all deals if the contact id is incorrect / not present.
Does your user have 22 deals in total?
amal at June 24th, 2015 02:10 — #3
Hi Pete,
Actually my test account has been expired so unable to find the total deal.. But as per my opinion it should be return 0 ( zero ). What you say Pete?
pete_onepagecrm at July 31st, 2015 05:27 — #4
@amal, sorry for the delay getting back to you.
Yes, I think you're right here. I'll look into getting a fix into the release pipeline.
I'll update you when done.
pete_onepagecrm at August 7th, 2015 06:08 — #5
@amal I've made this change.
Thanks for you feedback.
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