sfeek at April 25th, 2017 14:21 — #1
"status": 400,
"message": "Invalid request data",
"error_name": "invalid_request_data",
"error_message": "A validation error has occurred",
"errors": {
"address_list": "Must be array with at most one item"
Why am I getting this error? Can you only add one address? If so, why is it an array?
The relevant JSON blob is below:
"address_list": [
"address": "1717 Douglas Ave.",
"city": "Kalamazoo",
"state": "MI",
"zip_code": "49005",
"country_code": ""
"address": "Box 50711",
"city": "Kalamazoo",
"state": "MI",
"zip_code": "49005",
"country_code": ""
liam at April 28th, 2017 11:27 — #2
Hello Shane,
The address_list
is an array for future proofing, We are planning on updating the app to accept multiple addresses , and to prevent breaking the API once the Web App is updated, we have already set the field to be an array.
But as we don't display and extra addresses, the error is here to alert you of the limitation that you won't be able to retrieve the extra address except for via the API.
A suggested workaround for now is to have a company for the contact's second address, as the typical use-case is for a private and corporate address. But I see from your example that you want to store a second address such as separate billing / postal / Post box address? I would suggest creating a multi-line custom field to add the extra address.
Kind regards,
sfeek at April 28th, 2017 11:37 — #3
Thanks! I will make a custom field for it.
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