knuckles at June 23rd, 2021 05:17 — #1
I need to get all recent email correspondence from OnePage (regardless of the associated contact), in a similar format to the Email tab within the UI. Is there any way to get a list of recent emails without having to iterate through all contacts to check if they have sent or received anything recently? Many thanks K.
dem at June 24th, 2021 13:39 — #2
Hi knuckles,
at this stage we have no high level endpoint for email messages:
but it is possible to add it in future
knuckles at June 25th, 2021 10:24 — #3
OK thanks, my plan B is to iterate through all contacts looking for recent emails but it's not very efficient. Thanks for confirming.
dem at July 8th, 2021 09:00 — #4
Hi @knuckles,
just letting your know we have updated our API and added Email messages endpoint:
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