nilsba at October 17th, 2023 18:54 — #1
when using the api via
https://app.onepagecrm.com/api/v3/contacts?team=true&page=1&per_page=10I get a
Data->Contacts -> total_count of 376
contacts_count -> all-> total_count are 1872
We indeed have 1872 so why do I not get all of those?
victor at October 18th, 2023 05:13 — #2
Hi @nilsba!
The parameter team
is important here. Use team=true
to get all contacts. In this case numbers should be equal.
nilsba at October 18th, 2023 14:55 — #4
Thank you - This was a error in the recursion
Doing the pagination I requested the first page with the team option but not for the following pages 
victor at October 19th, 2023 11:09 — #5
Great! You're always welcome!
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