lucasas at March 3rd, 2015 12:07 — #1
Hi guys,
I'm using api v3.0 and I'm trying to create an action for an existing contact.
Yesterday everything was working well. But today the same feature is not working anymore.
I'm getting this error:
{"status"=>400, "message"=>"Invalid request data", "error_name"=>"invalid_request_data", "error_message"=>"A validation error has occurred", "errors"=>{"assignee_id"=>"Can't create an action without an assignee id"}}
I'm doing a post to contacts/:id/actions.json
with the following data:
{"email"=>"hom11281@cof.co", "text"=>"Ligar: assinatura suspensa por falta de pagamento"}
It's an urgent problem for us, since one entire team depends this feature.
Anyone can help me please?
pete_onepagecrm at March 3rd, 2015 12:28 — #2
Hi Lucasas, we haven't made any changes to the API today, so I'm not sure what's causing this problem for you.
Why are you sending an email parameter to the actions endpoint?
lucasas at March 3rd, 2015 12:36 — #3
Yes, I'm sending. Are there a list of required attributes that I have to send?
lucasas at March 3rd, 2015 14:54 — #4
Probably I should remove email
key from my data, but I've tried to send without it and still not working
pete_onepagecrm at March 4th, 2015 04:39 — #5
Hi lucasas,
You will also need to send the assignee_id - the id of the user that you want to assign the next action to.
It should by default assign the next action to the user who creates it, but it looks like there is a bug in this endpoint preventing that from happening.
For now, it should work if you make a call with parameters like:
{'text' => 'booma', 'assignee_id' => '<<ID of user on team you want to assign to>>' }
I'll update the API to not require the assignee_id and to default it to the user who creates it.
pete_onepagecrm at March 9th, 2015 16:19 — #6
@lucasas we made some changes last week, can you let me know if you are still having this problem?
lucasas at March 16th, 2015 09:53 — #7
Hi @Pete_OnePageCRM,
Today I'm having problems again.
I'm creating an action, the response seems ok:
{"status"=>0, "message"=>"Created", "timestamp"=>1426513996, "data"=>{"action"=>{"id"=>"5506e04c9b79b27a18000070", "assignee_id"=>"5463d3cf1787fa28b8000021", "contact_id"=>"54e75bd89b79b23008000063", "text"=>"Ligar: cartão de crédito falhou", "done"=>false, "modified_at"=>"2015-03-16T13:53:16.012Z", "status"=>"queued", "date"=>nil}}, "tags"=>{"tags"=>[{"name"=>"VIP", "counts"=>1, "total_count"=>1}], "system_tags"=>[{"name"=>"starred", "counts"=>0, "total_count"=>0}, {"name"=>"pendings", "counts"=>0, "total_count"=>0}, {"name"=>"waiting", "counts"=>0, "total_count"=>0}]}, "team_stream"=>{"users"=>[{"user_id"=>"5463d3cf1787fa28b8000021", "counts"=>737}], "all"=>737}}
But, the contact on website does not have any action.
Can you help us?
pete_onepagecrm at March 18th, 2015 05:10 — #8
@lucasas can you send me the parameters you are submitting?
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